

mattachine REVIEW

1958 VOLUME ready for shipment NOW-Bound

in dark blue cloth, stamped in gold to match volumes for previous years. Includes Interim and index. Total 426 pages.

1957 VOLUME available as above, total 556 pages. Also limited quantity of volumes for 1956 (454 pages), and 1955 (292 pages). These volumes contain many single issues otherwise unavailable. ORDER THESE BOUND VOLUMES NOW BEFORE THEY BECOME EXPENSIVE COLLECTOR'S ITEMS!


(California residents must add

4% sales tax)


SINGLE ISSUES And COMPLETE SETS for each year are available at 50 cents per single copy, or $5 per yearly set.. HOWEVER, as stated above, some single copies are not available except in bound volumes, viz.: Feb.-Mar. 1955, Jan. 1956, May 1956, and Jan. 1957.

mattaching REVIEW

693 Mission Street

San Francisco 5, Calif.